
Archive for February, 2011

Today’s little bundle of joy was brought to you by Pavel, Hofmekler, and Sonnon.

I went for a sustained strength day, combining Ori Hofmekler’s Controlled Fatigue Training (CFT) and Pavel Tsatsouline’s Power To The People (PTTP), and a dash of Scott Sonnon (TACFIT).

I structured it around the CFT progression: Pre-Fatigue, Core, and Post-Fatigue. For the Core workout, I did Pavel’s PTTP, with abs done in the TACFIT 20/10 Tabata protocol. To wit:

– 5 minutes, kettlebell long cycle clean and jerk (LCCJ), switching hands (16 kg)

– 5 reps each hand, kettlebell side press (32 kg)
– 5 reps deadlift (221 lbs/~100 kg) (went light today because I hadn’t done them in a while)
– 8 sets of abs (4 sets ab pullovers w/16 kg kbell; 2 sets ab planks; 1 set each side/side plank)
– 5 reps each hand, kettlebell side press (32 kg)
– 5 reps deadlift (265 lbs/~120 kg)

– 5 minutes, kettlebell swings, two and one handed (24 kg)

Workout: White Zombie, Supersexy Swingin’ Sounds
Cooldown/Stretching: Waldeck, The Night Garden

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So today, I did an early, then a late PT. Just kinda worked out that way.

Going back to yesterday (Saturday), first… it was a pretty explosive session, which included lots of heavy bag with stick and limbs for the pre-fatiguing/warm up. Then went into the tabata protocol of 20/10 that I’ve been using a lot with kettlebells.

I stayed totally with the medium bell, Wilson (24 kg), and did mostly jerks. Other stuff, too, but I don’t quite remember. It’s all starting to run together… 🙂

Finished off with a nice thorough stretch for cooldown. Ahhhh. Then off to get some steak salad then see some friends for a couple of movies later.

Music: Afro-Celt Sound System, POD

Today, I had the noonish session, also concentrating on the tabata protocol. After some martial arts practice with the roommate, concentrating on stick, and knife, I went through two rounds of eight sets, doing sit outs, abs (kettlebell pullover), and legs for the first round. Second round ending with four sets of legs, this time.

Rounded it all out with a healthy session of stretching/yoga.

Music: The rest of the POD album from the Afro-Celt Sound System.

Next saw me going to meet some friends for a birthday party and my meal of the day at the local Capitol Ale House. Had some of the prime rib, yummy mushrooms, and a small dab of mashed potatoes. Also a Great Divide Hibernation Barley Wine. It was… okay, but for me, the maltiness was a bit much. It was great to see all the fencers (past and present) and to meet a couple of new folks! Then it was back home to get some stuff done.

The evening session had me going for more of a straight up grind. Instead of explosive lifts, I stuck with a simple count (not tabata) of ten or so each hand cleans with the 24 kg bell, then five each hand with the 32 kg bell. Then back to 10 with each hand with the 24.

Next, I hit up the kbell military press. 10 or so each hand 24s, then five each hand with the 32 kg bells. And back to 10 with the 24 kg bell. Some stretching, and that was it. Good stuff. Got warm, but not really sweaty, though I could definitely feel a bit of working going on. One thing to say about all this working out stuff, it getting my breathing a lot more… locked in, if you will. I’m still not a “hard style” guy so much, where you squeeze super tight and add all the tension you can, but I am trying to tweak my breathing all the time and pay attention to how I breathe and where in the movement I inhale and exhale.

Music: None. Just the rush of air in and out… 🙂

There you have it.

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So, I’m smugly proud of myself for the time being. Had another decent PT session. Short but sweet. Almost more of a tonic to calm me down for the evening. It’s been that kind of week.

I had a good, hard sweat fest earlier in the week, but I missed documenting it. But that’s okay. It was a good one. My abs were stiff for almost a week after it…

Tonight’s was another simple one, for the most basic of strength-endurance exercises: the kettlebell push press, and the kbell swing (and for variation, the high row).

The first set of tabata protocol was dedicated to the push press, using the 20/10 work/rest formula. Simply push press (PP) the 16 kg, left hand, 20 seconds, 10 sec rest; then 16 kg bell right hand PP 20 seconds, 10 sec rest. Immediately do the same with 24 kg bell, left and right. Took 30 secs rest, then the big bell (32 kg), left hand then right hand, and finish off with ab pullover crunches with the 16 kg bell.

About a minute rest, then started two handed swings with the little bell for two cycles, then the high pull for two cycles. Grab the 24 kg bell and do two cycles of high pulls, and finish off with two cycles of the big bell for two handed swings.

I’m proud of my body because during cooldown and stretching I was sitting in the Japanese style of seiza (kneeling, sitting on your heels) and stretching out my quads. I hit *just* the right angle and my left knee POPPED out of joint, as it is wont to do in that position.

However, there was no pain, and I didn’t panic and try to jump up or anything. I just shifted position again, and the knee POPPED back into joint, with no feeling of pain or anything other then the physical sensation of the knee joint moving back into a tenable position and the noise of the joint parts rubbing and shifting back into place.

I kept stretching, going to cat pose, then child pose, then cobra, and then got up calmly; no pain, stiffness or any reminder except perhaps a virtual “something happened down there” type of awareness. Yayyy!!! After years of healing, that makes me very happy. I kneed ( 🙂 ) to keep working it, getting stronger, so that it stays in place better. I’ve always had loose joints; I’ve never had a serious bone injury, I’m one of those people that have been hit up in the joints, instead. For all that I’ve been through over the years, I MAY have had a bone bruise, or maybe break or crack or something, but other than a broken wrist (the cartilage in the joint, note), I’ve never had a bone injury that I could tell was actually an injury.

I suppose if I had real thorough bone scan, the doc might say, “Oh, here, and here, and here, you’ve had micro-fractures,” or something. But I look at diet and exercises as primary ways to help increase bone density, health, and healing. I mean, I literally train with weights like I do for the bone and joint health aspect, as much as for the heart health. The actual ability to perform athletically and have stronger muscle comes in a bit second, though that is important to me as well.

Well, happy training everyone. I’m going to try to get to bed early tonight, to get a jump on getting to work very early tomorrow!

Non-fasting day
Music: Fatboy Slim; The Greatest Hits – Why Try Harder

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